Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/MTs

A.      Choose one of the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d!
1.       X : “How much is a tin of magazine.”
Y : “Two thousand rupiahs.”
X : “May I ...... ?”
Y : “No, it is fixed price.”
a.       trade
b.      bargain
c.       change
d.      exchange
2.       Syukri is ...... boy because he always tells the truth.
a.       an honest
b.      an unkind
c.       a naughty
d.      a stubborn
3.       X : “...... do you visit your grandparents?”
Y : “Once a year, every Lebaran Day.”
a.       How fast
b.      How long
c.       How soon
d.      How often
4.       Someone knocked at the door when Mr. Amir was teaching.
Mr. Amir said to one of his students,” ...... please.”
a.       Close the door
b.      Open the door
c.       Go away
d.      Come on
Text for number 5 – 7
Lombo needs some books for his biology class. The school library has those books. The students have to read the books in the library. Lombo loves to read and study, but hates to go to the library. He likes to study at home.
Lombo wants to buy the books, but he does not have any money. He ask his mother for some money, but she does not have any.
“Well, son, his mother say,”the library has the books, you have to go to the library and study there.”
Lombo does not want to go to the library, but now he has to go there.
Lombo is leaving the house. He is going to the library on his bicycle.
5.       What is Lombo like?
He is ......
a.       a lazy boy
b.      a rich boy
c.       a diligent boy
d.      an honest boy
6.       From paragraph 1, we know that Lombo ......
a.       likes to study at home
b.      hates biology class
c.       has to buy the biology book
d.      prefers to study in the library
7.       Lombo ...... to study in the library.
a.       hates
b.      loves
c.       needs
d.      likes
8.       Student                : “Can you lend me an English book?”
Librarian               : “Of course, just a minute, here you are.”
Student                : “Thank you very much.”
Librarian               : “......”
a.       I’d love to
b.      We’d be glad to
c.       Never mind
d.      You are welcome
9.       Nina                       : May I see those bags?
Shop assistant   : ......
Nina                       : The small blue one, please.
Shop assistant   : Here you are.
a.       What colour is it?
b.      Which one do you want?
c.       What is the price?
d.      What kind of bag is it?
10.   X : Get up, please. Riko.
Y : In a minute, Mom. I’m still sleepy.
X : Come on. Have a shower right now, or you,ll be late for school.
Where does the dialogue take place?
a.       In the office
b.      At home
c.       In class

d.      In the library